• Heilbronn Research Fellows in Quantum Information

    Updated: 2012-05-23 19:26:32
    We would to draw your attention to the current advertisement for Heilbronn Research Fellows in Quantum Information, which can be found at www.jobs.ac.uk/job/AEK474/heilbronn-research-fellows-quantum-information/ These three-year posts are in effect half-time personal postdoctoral positions (as distinct from posts with a predetermined … Continue reading →

  • Why Sharing Raw Data is Important

    Updated: 2012-05-11 17:20:18
    Bob Rudis has a nice post up “Off By One : The Importance Of Fact Checking Breach Reports,” in which he points out some apparent errors in the Massachusetts 2011 breach report, and also provides some graphs. Issues like this are why it’s important to release data. It enables independent error checking, but also allows [...]

  • NCI Publishes FY11 Funding Data (R01s, R21s)

    Updated: 2012-05-05 05:28:25
    NCI has joined NIGMS in releasing some of its FY11 funding data, which break down applications and awards by percentile and PI status (established, new, ESI). They introduce the charts and table with a concise statement about “the zone”: Beginning in FY 2011, NCI adopted a new approach to the selection of grant applications for [...]

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